What’s in Cannabis?
An Introduction to the Components of the Plant
If you’ve ever ventured into a dispensary or listened to cannabis enthusiasts talk about their favorite plant, it’s likely that you’ve heard terminology like THC, CBD, cannabinoids, terpenes, strain, indica, sativa, and hybrid. What, you might be wondering, does it all mean?
What’s in Cannabis?
An Introduction to the Components of the Plant
If you’ve ever ventured into a dispensary or listened to cannabis enthusiasts talk about their favorite plant, it’s likely that you’ve heard terminology like THC, CBD, cannabinoids, terpenes, strain, indica, sativa, and hybrid. What, you might be wondering, does it all mean?
How does Cannabis work?
Understanding the Endocannabinoid system
Endocannabinoid (pronounced: end-oh-can-AB-in-oid) is a long word with a somewhat complex definition—but whether you’re an experienced “canna-seur” or simply canna-curious, you’ll want to hear us out.
Finding the right product for you
Matching cannabis to your symptoms
If you’ve experimented with cannabis for symptom relief or general wellness, you’ve probably noticed that all cannabis products do not affect you in the same way.
Making Sense of it All
Tracking your Progress
Talk to ten cannabis consumers and you’re likely to hear ten different answers about why they consume and how they feel when they do. Medical users often cite pain, nausea, muscle spasticity, or mental health issues, while more casual consumers enjoy cannabis for stress relief, sociability, and fun.

What’s in Cannabis?
An Introduction to the Components of the Plant
If you’ve ever ventured into a dispensary or listened to cannabis enthusiasts talk about their favorite plant, it’s likely that you’ve heard terminology like THC, CBD, cannabinoids, terpenes, strain, indica, sativa, and hybrid. What, you might be wondering, does it all mean?
What’s in Cannabis?
An Introduction to the Components of the Plant
If you’ve ever ventured into a dispensary or listened to cannabis enthusiasts talk about their favorite plant, it’s likely that you’ve heard terminology like THC, CBD, cannabinoids, terpenes, strain, indica, sativa, and hybrid. What, you might be wondering, does it all mean?
How does Cannabis work?
Understanding the Endocannabinoid system
Endocannabinoid (pronounced: end-oh-can-AB-in-oid) is a long word with a somewhat complex definition—but whether you’re an experienced “canna-seur” or simply canna-curious, you’ll want to hear us out.
Finding the right product for you
Matching cannabis to your symptoms
If you’ve experimented with cannabis for symptom relief or general wellness, you’ve probably noticed that all cannabis products do not affect you in the same way.
Making Sense of it All
Tracking your Progress
Talk to ten cannabis consumers and you’re likely to hear ten different answers about why they consume and how they feel when they do. Medical users often cite pain, nausea, muscle spasticity, or mental health issues, while more casual consumers enjoy cannabis for stress relief, sociability, and fun.